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CSC 134

Finally,It Is Done.

Its been a long journey since we start our 3rd sem for this year. 1st of all, I would like to thank to our CSC134 lecturer, Miss Lily Marlia, who has done her job on handle as well as teaching us this course.  I never think that this course is not important in Office Management, I behalf of my class, want to apologize about the misunderstood .

I love this course actually because it really gives the real meaning of the technology.  Before this I'm just know practically, but this course gives me the theory about it.  I give credit to Miss Lily, because she opens my eyes what is the COMPUTER.. :)

All in all, like she always said "doa seorang guru sangat makbul,masin mulut saya,awak tengoklah" so, from this, I want to ask for your pray, we,the whole class, can get a good result for this course.  Thanks a lot Miss Lily Marlia... 


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